To start a Hangout a Google Plus user

To start a Hangout with any of most Google Plus users:
1. Go to the their profile page and copy their numerical profile ID (the last part of the profile's Web address) from the URL field of that browser page.
If you see an alphabetical ID in this field, go to the user's first post, open the context menu of their name, and press "Copy link address".
2. Press this incomplete address.
3. Paste the user's numerical ID at the end of this address.
4. Go to the address you have just created.
You can write a person if you are in a (sometimes very large) group to whom they allow it. Much less than half of the people you address seem to reply.
Up to 150 people can write in a Hangout, up to 25 people can talk in a Hangout (On Air).
You can name Hangouts. You must name Hangouts On Air.
You can ask Google to assign a Web address to a group Hangout. Google assigns a Web address to each call placed as a Hangout or a Hangout On Air.
You can start a Hangout with me here.
